Using Visualization in Races

Staying motivated to do your best during a race can be challenging. Overcoming mental barriers is no small feat. Some runners use visualization during races to conquer negative thoughts before they even start.


When Pushing Yourself Is Worth It

I just wasn’t feeling it. My legs were heavy as I trudged along the side of the road. Why had I chosen to sleep late, instead of getting up and out on my run early as I had planned?...


When Slowest is Best

Some people assume that a runner’s best race is the one with the fastest finish time. That’s just not so. Sometimes the best races are the slowest.


Learning to Let Go

Sometimes I fool myself into thinking that I’m in control. I research and plan until my brain is tired. Once I have every eventuality figured out, then my anxious mind can relax. However, sometimes I come face to face with the reality that I am not really in control, like at a race recently. It was my first ever solo 5k and I was nervous. Every other race that I’d participated in, I had run with a friend or had family present to support me. This time was different;…


Why I Run

Not too long ago, I thought that running was for other people, crazy people. Often, I would drive past a regular runner in our town and wonder about his motivation. Why did he leave the comfort of his home to run alongside our narrow roads? Why would anyone purposely choose to run? It boggled my mind! Fast forward to today. Now, I am that crazy person. I’m the one that is out there running in the cold and in the rain. I’m the one dodging vehicles and listening for…